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Wonder Never (The Fairytale Diaries #2) Page 15

  "Hey, sis," Kristi greeted warmly. Morna smiled curtly, and the sisters leaned across the table to exchange a cheek kiss.

  The trio spoke cordially and Morna feigned interest in her sister's trivial chatter. She grew so bored she considered faking a page from the hospital to bail on the couple. Everything about Kristi's mundane existence annoyed Morna. Then Kristi said something that caught her attention.

  "So, Morna… We have a little announcement to make."

  Morna's head shot up and she glanced back and forth between Kristi and Doug. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

  Kristi took Doug's hand and smiled happily. "We've decided to finally start trying to have a baby," she revealed, beaming radiantly.

  Morna exhaled a sigh. At least she's not already pregnant, Morna thought grudgingly. Since Kristi and Doug wed, Morna had dreaded the time they would tell her they were expecting a child. She was surprised so much time had already passed and they hadn't conceived. She'd begun to think maybe they never would, maybe they didn't want a child, or maybe Kristi had troubles she didn't reveal to Morna. But alas, finally the time was here.

  There would be a little brat in the picture, and the fate of their marriage would be sealed. They would never part.

  Morna tried to smile and look happy for them, but even she knew her jealousy had to be apparent on her thin face. She began to feel lightheaded. She thought she was really having a doozy of a fit of jealousy as nausea rose in the back of her throat and beads of perspiration appeared on her forehead. But then she realized something more was wrong. Her stomach roiled.

  "I'm sorry, excuse me," Morna muttered, stumbling out of the booth and through the busy dining room to find the lady's room.

  She stepped inside the empty public restroom. She was grateful for the silence, though some of the noise from the dining room could still be heard. The room was poshly decorated in cool silvers and greys, very relaxing. Except Morna's anxiety continued to escalate. She stood before the mirrors, leaning heavily on the granite sink. She stared at her already pale face, and watched the color drain from her cheeks. Her head spun wildly. She bent to turn on the sink and splash cold water into her face just as Kristi entered the restroom before her.

  Kristi rushed to her sister, placing her hands lovingly on Morna's shoulders. When Morna moved her hands out of her own face, she could see Kristi's blue eyes watching her in the mirror, wrought with concern. "Morna, what is it dear, what's the matter?"

  Morna could not speak. She could scarcely concentrate.

  "Morna?" Kristi questioned urgently. "Are you OK?" Kristi's tinkling voice sounded as though it drifted to Morna from down a long tunnel.

  And then Morna heard it. Heard the voice in her mind. She closed her eyes, trying to push out the horrendous pounding headache that assaulted her, and she desperately listened.

  After a few moments, Morna straightened and spun to face her sister. She took Kristi firmly by the shoulders.

  "Listen to me," Morna demanded. "Get Doug and go home right now. Pack one bag. Of absolute necessities for the two of you."

  "Wh—what? Morna!" Kristi exclaimed.

  Morna shook her head once, a firm gesture. "Kristi, don't argue. Do you hear me? You must do as I say, and do it now. Go home. Pack a bag. I'll be back for you soon!" Morna declared.

  With that, she turned and ran from the women's restroom, sprinting full speed out of the restaurant.

  Amanda Gatton is an Ohio author of young adult suspenseful fiction. She spends her time with husband Adam (the guitar player), son Jacob (the inquisitive), daughter Carmen (the jokester), and Sophie (the moody cat.) In addition to writing, Amanda loves art, singing, bicycle riding, and sunshine.

  Gatton also writes adult fiction under the pen name M Jet.

  About the Artwork:

  All the artwork for this book was created by the author, Amanda Gatton. Gatton is a mixed media artist and graphic designer. Coloring pages of some of the artworks accompanying each section can be printed from Amanda's website. "The Fairytale Diaries Art Journal" is also available on Amazon. The digital coloring book can also be obtained free of charge by subscribing to Gatton's newsletter. In addition, you can find art prints of Amanda Gatton's for sale on Art Pal and Deviantart.

  For More of Amanda Gatton's colorful and fanciful arts follow here:



